Publishing in Scientific Journals

Am 28. und 29. Juni 2013 wird am NaWik das neue zweitägige Seminar „Publishing in Scientific Journals“ stattfinden. Markus Elsner, Senior Editor bei Nature Biotechnology, wird Teilnehmenden  Einblicke in die Welt der wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften geben. Sie lernen, häufige Fehler in der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation in internationalen Fachzeitschriften zu vermeiden. Unter anderem werden folgende Themen behandelt:

  • Worauf wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschriften Wert legen
  • Schreibtipps für „High Impact Journals“
  • Die verschiedenen Bestandteile eines Papers – und wie man sie abfasst
  • Wie man mit negativem Feedback umgeht

Mehr Details zum Seminar:

Publishing in Scientific Journals

Publishing of scientific results is often seen as a necessary evil. After the fruits of endless hours in the lab have been painfully condensed into a paper, it disappears in the black box of the online submission system of a journal, and is most likely rejected within days. But as in today’s scientific environment recognition, grants and promotions are increasingly linked to publications in a few high impact journals, it has become essential to become a savvy navigator of the publication process.

This 2-day-course is designed to make the world of scientific journals, especially high impact journals, more transparent and to help the participants to avoid common pitfalls of scientific writing. Topics covered will include

  • what journals look for
  • tips for writing for high impact journals
  • the parts of a scientific paper and how to compose them
  • how to deal with (negative) feedback.


The course will include many practical exercises designed to deepen the
understanding of the material covered.

The course language will be English.

The course trainer is Dr. Markus Elsner, senior editor at Nature Biotechnology. Markus did his graduate work at EMBL in Heidelberg, Germany, and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, where he worked on characterizing protein dynamics in living cells. In his postdoctoral studies at the National Institutes of Health, USA, he investigated the mechanisms of lipid and protein sorting during membrane transport events. He joined Nature Biotechnology in 2008.

The course is targeted to bona fide graduates students, postdoctorals, junior teamleaders in research projects in bio-medicine and associated research areas. Attendees should bring their laptops to the course.

Date: 28th and 29th of June 2013
Number of participants: max. 12
Rate: 600,00 € p. P. + VAT 7% (incl. course material, soft drinks and a light meal)
Venue: NaWik gGmbH, Fritz-Erler-Straße 1-3 (4. OG), 76133 Karlsruhe

Registration: Please send us an e-mail at the latest 31st of May for your registration to under specification of your first- and surname, postal address and course-ID:
course 6_sp2013-1me

If your registration was successful, you will receive by mail a confirmation with our conditions
of payment.